Sorry for the blob-like mousse |
Wow! It IS a very difficult daring baker on earth our fellow daring bakers have thought about such incredible ideas for the challenge? I'm amazed but at the same time I'm so worried that I couldn't accomplish it. Luckily, I've done it....though it's not turning out the way I've expected. Anyways, I've promised myself before that no matter if I succeed or fail making the food, I'm posting it. This time, I can say it's a failure (I'm very generous to myself already )...because I can't eat it and I really can't let anyone eat that.
I used the idea of 'meringue cup' as the 'edible container', in the picture of my mind the meringue cup will be very 'container' like..very sturdy...obviously I didn't think thorugh :(. And the maple mousse is waaaaaaaaaaay too sweet to my liking and there's a very big physical problem.....after putting the mousse into the meringue 'cup', the cup starts to melt......because of the moisture-ness of the mousse. And worst of all, I didn't think about the color of both components that are so similar, the outcome of the meringue cup and the mousse didn't compliment each other but just blended together...the whole thing is a mess!
Anyhow, I still feel good that I've tried, afterall it's the experience that's more worth to remember, right? :)
(Still I can only post 1 photo because the outcome is too gross!)